10 Ideas To Create a Career Vision Board That Works for You

Many of us feel stuck when it comes to our careers. We don't know what we want to do, or where we want to go. This can be especially true if you're feeling lost after a job loss or other major life change.

A career vision board is a great way to get clarity and create a plan for your career. In this blog post, we will discuss 10 ideas for creating a career vision board that works for you!

career vision board

What is a Career Vision Board and Why Should You Make One?

A career vision board is a visual representation of your career goals and dreams. It can be as simple or complex as you want it to be. The purpose of a career vision board is to help you clarify your career goals, and give you a roadmap to achieve them.

If you're feeling lost after a job loss or other major life change, a career vision board can be a great way to get clarity and create a plan for your career.

How to Make a Career Vision Board

There are no rules when it comes to making a career vision board. However, here are some tips on how to create one that works for you:

  • Start by thinking about your career goals and dreams. What do you want to be when you grow up?

  • Think of career role models who inspire you, then research them online. This will give you an idea of what kind of career opportunities are available for people with similar skills and interests as yours!

  • Use magazines or newspapers (or even Google Images) to find pictures that represent your career goals. For example, if you want to be an artist when you grow up, then find pictures of famous artists and put them on the board!

  • Finally, cut out words from magazines or newspapers (or type them in a word processing program like Microsoft Word) that describe how they want to feel in their career. These words could be things like "creative," "successful," or "happy."

Now that you have some ideas, here are the top ten ways to create a career vision board that works for you:

10 Ideas for Creating a Career Vision Board

1. Find an inspiration photo.

The first thing you'll want to do when making your career vision board is to find an inspiring photo. You can use anything from a magazine or newspaper article about career goals and dreams to pictures of role models who inspire you online!

Find out what career role models look like for people with similar skills as yours. Research them online, then cut out their photos from magazines or newspapers (or type them in a word processing program like Microsoft Word).

2. Create career goals and dreams.

The next step is to create career goals and dreams that are both realistic and attainable for you. For example, if your career goal is to become an actor, then think about what steps it would take to get there (such as getting an acting degree or joining an acting class).

Dream big! Write down career goals that may seem impossible right now, but could be possible in the future with hard work and dedication.

3. Collect images of what you want.

After you've created your career goals and dreams, it's time to start collecting images of what you want career-wise. Go through magazines or newspapers and cut out pictures that represent your career goals and dreams. You can also use Google Images to find career role models who inspire you online!

If possible, print them on paper so they're all in one place (this makes it easier later when we start putting things together).

4. Create a career mood board.

Now that you have all of your images, it's time to start creating a career mood board. This is where you'll start piecing everything together!

Start by arranging the photos in a way that inspires you and makes you happy. Don't be afraid to get creative with this part!

5. Add words and phrases.

Once you have your career mood board looking the way you want, it's time to start adding words and phrases. Cut out words from magazines or newspapers that describe how you want to feel in your career. These could be things like "creative," "successful," or "happy."

You can also type career-related words into Microsoft Word and print them out on paper if you don't want to cut anything up!

Once all of your images, career goals, and dreams are arranged the way you like them, then glue or tape everything down so it stays put. Then hang up your career vision board somewhere that inspires you every day!

6. Use career vision boards to achieve goals.

Career vision boards can be used in many ways, but their main purpose is to help you achieve your career goals and dreams.

Use career vision boards as motivation when you feel like giving up on your career or quitting altogether because they're reminders of why it's worth it!

You can also use career vision boards to track progress by taking pictures of them every week and comparing how far you've come from when you first started working toward your career goals.

For example, if one year later, all of your career goals have been achieved, then take a picture or video (or print out photos) documenting this achievement and hang it up on your career vision board!

7. Use career vision boards to set short-term and long-term goals.

In addition to using career vision boards as a way to achieve career goals, you can also use them to set both short-term and long-term goals.

Short-term goals are things you want to achieve in the next month or so, while long-term goals are things you want to achieve over a period of time (usually six months to a year).

A career vision board is super helpful for keeping your career on track and making sure you're always working toward something!

8. Use career vision boards to track career milestones.

Career vision boards are also great for tracking career milestones (such as getting a new job, starting school, or landing that big promotion).

A career vision board makes it easy to see all the little steps you've taken toward achieving your goals and how far you still need to go before reaching those career milestones!

You can even use career vision boards to track career milestones for others too!

9. Use career vision boards as a reminder for career goals.

Careers can be stressful and overwhelming at times, which is why it's important to have some way of reminding yourself that your career goals are important.

Career vision boards serve this purpose because they're a physical representation of everything you want to achieve in your career.

A career vision board is the perfect way to remind yourself why you're working so hard and what's at stake if you give up on your career!

10. Use career vision boards as a source of inspiration.

Last but not least, career vision boards are a great source of inspiration!

A career vision board can help you stay motivated when things get tough and remind you why you started your career in the first place.

Career vision boards are also a reminder that anything is possible if you work hard enough and stay focused on your goals.

When looking at your career vision board, be sure to remember these things and let them inspire you to do your best every day!

Final Thoughts

So there you have it: ten tips for creating a career vision board that works for you. Just remember to be creative, patient, and stay focused on your goals - then sit back and enjoy the journey as you watch your career dreams come true!