10 Signs You Are Dealing With a Controlling Woman

Relationships are meant to be based on trust, love, and mutual respect. However, sometimes, things may not turn out as expected, and instead of a healthy relationship, you may find yourself in a controlling one.

When you're in such a relationship, it can be challenging to identify that you're being controlled because the manipulative behavior may be subtle. In this article, we will discuss ten signs that indicate you are dealing with a controlling woman, so keep reading to learn more!

controlling woman signs

1. She Constantly Criticizes You

A controlling woman will always find fault with everything you do. She will criticize you over the smallest things, such as what you're wearing, the way you talk, or the food you eat.

She may even make you feel inferior by constantly putting you down.

2. She Checks Your Phone and Social Media

A controlling woman will invade your privacy by going through your phone and social media accounts.

She'll keep track of who you're talking to, what you're watching, and where you're going. If you try to resist, she may accuse you of hiding something.

3. She Isolates You From Friends and Family

A controlling woman will try to isolate you from your friends and family to make you entirely dependent on her emotionally.

She may also try to convince you that your loved ones do not have your best interest at heart and that she is the only one who truly cares for you.

4. She Tries to Control Your Finances

A controlling woman may try to dictate how you spend your money, criticizes your spending habits, or restricts access to your money.

She may even ask you for your bank account details, passwords and take control of your finances.

5. She Makes Decisions for You

A controlling woman may take over your life completely and make all the choices for you. She may tell you what to wear, who to talk to, or what job to take. This can leave you feeling helpless and trapped.

6. She Uses Intimidation

When a controlling woman feels that she is losing control over you, she may resort to intimidating tactics. She may raise her voice, throw objects, threaten to harm herself, or escalate to physical violence.

Her primary goal is to make you fear her to gain control over you.

7. She Is Jealous and Possessive

A controlling woman will often feel jealous of anyone who she thinks is taking your attention away from her.

She may become possessive, controlling your every move, and demanding your attention to the point where you cannot have a life outside of the relationship.

8. She Plays the Victim Card

A controlling woman often portrays herself as the victim, blaming her behavior on past traumas or your actions.

This tactic is meant to make you feel guilty and responsible for her behavior while denying accountability for her actions.

9. She Repetitively Questions You

A controlling woman may ask you the same questions over and over again, seeking any information that she can use to control or manipulate you.

The repetitive questioning may become emotionally exhausting to the point where you give in to her demands.

10. She Gaslights You

Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation where a controlling person tries to make the victim doubt their own memory or sanity.

A controlling woman may gaslight you by manipulating facts, data, and events to make you question your own sanity, making it easier for her to control you.

Final Note

Being in a controlling relationship can be emotionally exhausting and can have long-lasting effects on your mental wellbeing. If you find yourself being controlled by a woman or anyone else, it is essential to seek help from a professional.

Ignoring the warning signs will only prolong the abuse and make it worse. It is better to end a toxic relationship than to endure one for fear of being alone. Remember, you deserve to be respected and loved for who you are, not for who someone wants you to be.