Desk Essentials: 7 Things You Need For Your Workspace

We all have that one area in our office or home that we call our workspace. It's where we get work done, plan projects, and create content for the world to see. A lot of us don't even think about what is needed to make this space feel like a true sanctuary for productivity until it isn't there.

So today I thought I would share with you 7 things you need to keep your desk essentials stocked and ready at all times!


7 Desk Essentials You Need For Your Workspace

1. A Desk Lamp

A desk lamp is a must have for any workspace! Having enough light to see what you are doing, or not having enough light and therefore straining your eyes when trying to work can be very frustrating. A good desk lamp will give you the perfect amount of lighting in all different kinds of situations whether it's natural sunlight from a window, fake desk light from a ceiling fixture, or just an ambient glow of your laptop's screen.

2. A Pen/Pencil Holder

Keeping a pencil holder on your desk is also one of those little things that make such a big difference when you are doing work. Having to constantly reach for pens, pencils, and highlighters every time you need them can be super frustrating especially if they're stuck in the back of another drawer somewhere!  Plus it makes for easy organization and looks really nice too.

A pencil holder can come in all shapes, sizes, colors, materials, and designs so it's totally up to you on what kind of one you want! Just make sure that if yours isn't big enough or doesn't have compartments then put pens etc in a cup instead because the point is to have them easily accessible at all times!

3. A Desktop Organizer

Keeping your desk clear of clutter will make working much more enjoyable. A desktop organizer is one way to keep all the small things you use on a daily basis right at a hands reach so that they don't get in the way or cause any accidents. This includes items like staplers, scissors, pens/pencils, paperclips, binder clips, etc.

Desktop organizers come in all shapes and sizes so it's best to find one that will fit your desk the best! If you can't put something on your desk because there isn't any room then maybe get a tiny organizer and use the top of an old magazine rack or filing cabinet instead which is what I have done!

When it comes to desktop organizers you can get ones that are cheap, expensive, wood, metal etc. so again this is totally up to you and your budget! However, if you want a super chic organizer then opt for one with marble or glossy black lacquer because they look amazing in almost any kind of workspace theme!

4. A Work/Life Planner

A planner is another must-have for any workspace! Having an organized way of keeping track of where you are with all the projects and tasks that need to get done will not only make your life so much easier but it's also really important. This includes things like checking deadlines, creating new ideas, brainstorming blog post topics, etc.

This is another one of those items that come in all shapes, sizes, and designs so it's completely up to you how big or small your planner is! Plus if you don't like the design then there are a ton of places online where you can find a personalized cover for whatever kind of layout system you use.

Though this isn't a necessity, planners come with personalization options so if you want a chic and professional planner then I definitely recommend checking out some on amazon.

The point is to have something that will help you stay organized and on top of all your projects in a way that works for you. Whether it's a paper planner or a digital one, make sure you find what works best for your needs and preferences!

5. A Trinket Dish

Having a dish to put your little trinkets in is another must-have for any workspace. If you're like me then you probably collect all kinds of random stuff that will just end up all over the place if it's not somewhere specific, so this includes things like coins, paperclips, earbuds, etc.

Trinket dishes come in all shapes and sizes but I think the most popular ones are made out of marble or lucite. They're usually small so they don't take up too much room on your desk and you can find them online.

Even though it's not a necessity to have a dish, they are pretty inexpensive and it's always nice to have somewhere specific to put all the little things that tend to get lost otherwise.

6. A Picture Frame

It's always nice to have a picture frame on your desk so you can remember the people that are most important in your life while you're working! This will remind you of why it is that you work and how lucky we all are. Plus they look super cute too, especially if they match your workspace theme.

Picture frames come in all shapes and sizes so you can pick whatever one fits your desk best. It's also really important to choose a frame that will fit the picture of whoever is most significant to you, especially if it happens to be a big family photo!

You can find frames online or at any home store pretty cheap but they don't have to cost that much. You can also get one custom-made or personalized if you prefer something more unique!

When it comes to picture frames, they don't have to be essential but I definitely recommend having one on your desk because nothing is better than looking at the people you love when you're working!

7. An Inspiring Book

One of the most important things to have on your desk is a book because there's nothing better than being able to take a break from work and just read! Plus it will keep you inspired so when you get back into working mode, all those ideas you got while reading will be transferred onto paper.

Books come in all shapes and sizes but I think the most popular ones are novels, cookbooks, or anything else that's creative.

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Final Thoughts

We hope you’ve enjoyed our list of 7 essential items for your workplace. Your desk is an extension of who you are, and the things on it should reflect what matters to you most.

If there were one thing we could add to this list, it would be a good cactus plant or succulent in a pot by your window! What do YOU think? Have any other ideas about how to make your workspace feel like home?

Share them with us below so that others can benefit from hearing about all the awesome ways people have made their workspace more personalized!