10 Things To Do When You're Feeling Unappreciated At Work

It is hard to feel unappreciated at work. When you feel like no one cares about your work, it can be difficult to stay motivated. You may start to question what you are doing with your life and if this is the right career choice for you.

However, feeling unappreciated at work does not have to be a negative thing! In this blog post we will discuss 10 things that you can do when feeling unappreciated at work, so that you can feel like you're valued once again!


10 Things To Do When You're Feeling Unappreciated At Work

1. Compose a list of your best work and how it impacted the company's bottom line.

Even if you don't feel appreciated at work, this might give you some validation that what you're doing matters.

Highlight and bullet point items such as "increased sales by 25%," or "cut costs by $43,000". This way when management comes to ask how things have been going lately you can show them numbers that directly reflect your performance.

And even if they don't always notice your hard work, they'll be really pleased to see how you've contributed to the bottom line.

2. Spend time with family or friends who make you laugh to forget about how unappreciated you are feeling at work.

Laughter can really help when we're feeling down and out! The act of laughing releases endorphins which will make you feel better.

This is especially true when surrounded by people who care about how you're feeling and love to have a good time with you.

3. Volunteer in your free time for an organization where they value volunteers.

This will give you a chance to feel good about how your work is impacting others. It doesn't have to be an extensive commitment, even a couple of hours once a week is enough.

Volunteering can also make us really appreciate our careers and how we are being compensated for working there, as it makes you realize the hard work volunteers put in with no monetary compensation.

4. Focus your energy on being productive outside of work too

Whether it's prioritizing your home life, your pets, family, or yourself focus on making yourself feel useful and accomplished in other areas of your life. This can help offset the feeling of being unappreciated at work, and lead to better self-esteem overall.

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5. Seek out professional development opportunities that are relevant to your interests and job.

This will help you feel like you're still accomplishing something and growing in your career. It's important to keep learning how to improve on the skills we have as well as new ones that can make you more valuable in your company.

For example, maybe there is a class or seminar that can teach you how to use a new program at work more efficiently. Or perhaps take time outside of work each week for professional development by attending webinars offered through various organizations. It'll be great intellectual stimulation and an opportunity for growth that doesn't necessarily involve going back to school again.

6. Reach out to a colleague with whom you have a good rapport, ask them for support, and how they stay motivated at work.

It's sometimes helpful to hear how others have dealt with their feelings of being unappreciated at work. This can help you feel validated, and also give you some great ideas for how to cope when these feelings come up again in the future

7. Consider how the company would be worse off without you and what it says when they don't appreciate your contributions.

Really think about what experience, skills, and company knowledge you bring to the table. Would your team crumble without you? Maybe you've been working there for a long time and are an expert in a specific task that no one else likes to do, or can do as well as you.

See if there are patterns of people's work going unnoticed and consider if this is a company-wide issue, if it's a problem with your boss specifically, or if it could be something else.

8. Go for a walk outside

When you spend all your time cooped up in an office, possibly one without windows, getting outside and taking a walk can help give you some fresh perspective.

Fresh air and sunshine help boost your mood. After a walk, you might feel more relaxed and less affected by what's going on at work.

9. Ask for feedback from managers, coworkers, or colleagues to see how you can improve.

It's important to ask how you can be more productive and how your work has made an impact. Sometimes we don't know that our work is being noticed because it doesn't get the same level of attention as others, or there are many other people doing similar work. We need feedback in order to grow!

So don't be afraid to set up a one-on-one with your team, or your manager and ask how they think you're doing.

10. Ask yourself; what is the worst thing that could happen if this career didn't work out?

Do not be afraid of change! If you're feeling stuck in a position where there's little to no opportunity for growth, then perhaps it's time for something new?

Explore other career options, or if you may be able to qualify for a better position at a different company.

Final Thoughts

You deserve to be appreciated and recognized for the work you do. The truth is that sometimes managers are too busy to notice what each of their employees are doing day in and day out. To counter this, make yourself visible and valuable; speak up in meetings, ask for one-on-one meetings with your boss so you can touch base on your performance, and ensure you are bringing your best to the table each day.

We hope this list has given you some insights into actionable steps you can take when you're feeling unappreciated at work!