How to Raise Your Vibration: In 10 Simple Steps

how to raise your vibration

The principle of the law of attraction states that like attracts like. Through your thoughts, actions, and energy, you're able to attract the kind of life you want for yourself. It's easy to want something, whether it's goals, relationships, contentment- these are all easy to want.

The challenge lies in making these goals into reality. Through the law of attraction, you can manifest anything in your life through your frequency.

Your thoughts and actions all create a certain frequency and you need a high vibration to manifest what you want effectively. In this article, we'll be talking about how to raise your vibration in 10 simple steps.

How To Raise Your Vibration: In 10 Simple Steps

1. Control your thoughts

Limiting beliefs and self-destructive thoughts are the fastest way you can lower your vibration. Negativity is your fault so it's easy to dwell in the unhealthy thought patterns you have on a daily basis.

You raise your vibration by controlling what you think and replacing them with encouraging and positive thoughts. Instead of letting your thoughts control you, it should be the other way around.

2. Meditate

In controlling your thoughts, meditation is a breathing exercise that's found to be effective for your mental state. A lot of things happen in your head and meditation helps you gain better control of everything.

It also helps to be focused on the present rather than in the past or the future, which is the primary cause of worry and anxiety.

3. Practice affirmations

If your thoughts are always stuck on the negative, positive affirmations help by countering them. Whether you say it out loud or write them, affirmations keep you away from negativity and into gratitude.

You should practice affirmations regularly if you want to effectively raise your vibration.

4. Set goals

Everyone has goals but it's easy to be indecisive with what you want, which causes a lower vibration. By setting goals, you'll know exactly what you want and through that, you'll feel empowered and motivated to manifest your goals into a reality.

If you find that you're constantly unclear about the direction you want to go in terms of goals, you need to figure out what you want.

5. Practice gratitude

You'll be surprised as to how gratitude is an even more powerful emotion than any other existing negative emotion. There are various other ways to practice gratitude, whether it's having a gratitude journal or finding beauty in even the simple things.

Practice finding gratitude in what you have and stop looking for the things you don't have. With a gratitude journal, all you need to do is list 3 things you're grateful for every day and this will raise your vibration.

6. Practice acts of self-love and kindness

When you give love to yourself and others, you'll naturally feel good. Raising your vibration isn't just about your thoughts and actions, but it's also how you feel within.

When you give yourself the love you deserve, you don't have room for negativity left. Examples of acts of self-love are exercising and yoga. Both make you feel good about yourself, which will help with your vibration.

7. Do things you love

There's nothing that raises your vibration more than doing things you love. Whatever it is you're passionate about, focus on that to make yourself feel good. Doing things you love also battles with certain doubts and negativity that you feel within your day.

For instance, if you're passionate about art, making art will help you battle the conflict within you.

8. Learn to visualize

Visualization is a popular method being used in maintaining your frequency and manifesting your desires. To visualize, you imagine yourself achieving your goals as if you already have them.

It helps increase your frequency since you're imagining your goals happening, which encourages you even more.

9. Have faith

This seems like a generic thing to do, but you need to have faith that your manifestation will work.

Having faith is the one aspect that raises your vibration because instead of doubting and stressing over the law of attraction taking place in your life, you choose to have faith instead.

10. Let go of control

In this entire list, this seems to be something a lot of people forget to raise your vibration. Practice letting go of the need to obsess about whether you're effectively manifesting your goals.

In connection to having faith, you need to trust that great things are happening and let go of the need to know the details. It's so easy to want to control every aspect of our life, but this can easily reduce your vibration.

What Happens When You Raise Your Vibration

When you raise your vibration, this means you can better apply the law of attraction in your life, especially in manifesting your desires. A low vibration that you'll most likely be unsuccessful in doing so.

As mentioned earlier, your vibration consists of a combination of your thoughts, actions, and energy. Even by just having negative thoughts, your vibration gets affected immediately. If you notice, the higher your energy is, the more motivated and good you feel. This feeling can also be related to the law of attraction.

With high energy, you're able to manifest your goals and aspirations more effectively. Like attracts like so whatever you choose to reflect out into the world, that's exactly how your life is going to be. High vibration means that you're attracting good things into your life such as gratitude and encouragement.

Final Thoughts

I hope this article was able to shed a light on raising your vibration. It's all about avoiding negativity as hard as you can while focusing on your end goal. With the ways mentioned above, hopefully, you'll be able to manifest your goals more successfully.

The law of attraction is all about trusting the Universe and that your goals are on its way to becoming your new reality. You need to just focus on that goal and maintain a high frequency as much as possible, whether that's in practicing affirmations or meditation.