10 Passion Project Ideas to Start Today

What’s your passion project? What would you do if you could do anything and had unlimited resources to get it done?

For some people, this means starting their own business or working on a social justice issue. If you don't have a passion project in mind, we are giving you # ideas to get started.

passion project ideas

What is a Passion Project?

A passion project is typically a personal or creative endeavor that someone is deeply passionate about and devotes significant time and energy to. This could be anything from starting your own business to developing a new artistic skill or hobby.

Some people pursue their passion projects as a way to build skills, explore new interests, or simply explore their creativity. Others use them as a way to make a difference in the world or to connect with like-minded people.

Why Pursue a Passion Project?

Passion projects can offer many benefits, both personal and professional. They can help you develop new skills, explore your creativity, and build confidence. Passion projects can also be a great way to connect with like-minded people and make a difference in the world.

10 Passion Project Ideas

1. Write an Ebook

Ebooks have been around for a while, but they’re still going strong—and they make great passion projects.

Creating an ebook is essentially self-publishing on steroids: you get to write (or at least shape) your entire book and determine how it’s presented.

That said, there are many other elements of publishing a printed book that will be unfamiliar to you, so it’s important to partner with someone who has experience in both ebooks and traditional publishing.

2. Go Back to School

Enrolling in a class will keep you motivated to achieve your goals. There are tons of classes available—from history and math to photography, jewelry making, web design, and more.

Sign up for something you love or learn about topics that pique your interest (maybe there’s an awesome cooking class at a local culinary school). If you can’t commit to one thing, try multiple things!

For example, sign up for three photography classes (or whatever classes catch your eye). This is going to be so much fun—you'll get out of it what you put into it.

3. Move Somewhere New

The best way to find a passion is to explore new places and immerse yourself in unfamiliar settings. If you live in a large, bustling city, consider moving somewhere quieter.

If you’re on a tight budget, be sure to read our guide to finding cheap flights. One of our favorite online tools for discovering beautiful destinations is Pinterest.

4. Learn Another Language

Learning a second language is something you can do at any point in your life, but if you start early, it can pay dividends later.

Being bilingual makes you smarter, more employable, and better at learning new languages; it also builds a foundation for lifelong learning and critical thinking skills.

It’s not hard to get started either—there are plenty of free resources out there or apps (like Duolingo) that make practicing easy.

5. Start a budget plan

According to a recent survey by Bankrate, an overwhelming majority of Americans have less than $1,000 in their savings accounts. Despite that, most people wouldn’t consider themselves in financial trouble—and that’s largely because they rarely dip into their savings.

If you want to build a sustainable savings habit, start small and save often. Instead of waiting for a windfall or empty bank account to spur you into action, set up automatic transfers from your checking account to your savings account on a monthly basis.

There are no rules here: Some people transfer whatever they can spare, while others transfer 10% of every paycheck.

6. Start a Business

Launch a startup. While many people dream of starting their own business, few are disciplined enough to actually follow through with it. The numbers are startling: more than 80% of startups fail within five years (and 90% within 10).

While it’s hard to predict when you’ll experience your first major setback, there are some warning signs that suggest you might be in over your head.

Are you getting overly optimistic about how much money customers will pay for your product? Have you stopped thinking about competitors and set up a we’re-the-only-game-in-town mindset?

It can be difficult to accept failure at such an early stage, but trying again with a new idea may be more realistic than continuing down a doomed path.

7. Complete a Challenge

Challenges and competitions are a great way to keep you motivated. Pick up an extra shift at work and compete with your coworkers to see who can finish first.

Register for a race, such as a 5K, or 10K, with your friends and motivate each other to train harder than you have ever trained before.

By throwing yourself into a challenge, you’ll get into better shape much faster than if you were exercising on your own.

Not only that but many challenges and races also offer prizes for participants, so you could win gift cards or free dinners out just by getting in shape!

8. Do Something New for 30 Days

You’re reading, which means you have an Internet connection—so do something new with it. Maybe that means learning a new programming language or reading a book about web design and development.

The possibilities are endless and only limited by your imagination (and maybe how much time you can spend working on your passion project each day).

Once you pick something, give it 30 days of focus before moving on to another item. One thing’s for sure:

You’ll learn a lot in 30 days, whether you spend those days working on your passion project or not. After all, we live in a world where technology is constantly changing; it only makes sense to keep up with that change as much as possible.

9. Travel to a New Place

Traveling is one of the most enriching experiences you can have. It’s also incredibly expensive, and that’s why so many people never leave their hometowns.

But what if you only traveled for 30 days throughout your whole life?

You could explore new places and learn about other cultures, all without breaking the bank.

10. Create a vision board

Creating a vision board is a great way to motivate yourself to achieve your goals. If you’re not familiar with the concept, a vision board is simply a collection of images that represent your goals and dreams.

You can create a physical vision board by cutting out pictures from magazines and gluing them to a piece of poster board, or you can create a digital version by finding images online and importing them into a presentation or word processing file.

The key to creating an effective vision board is to focus on goals that excite and inspire you, so spend some time thinking about what you really want out of life before getting started. With dedication and determination, the possibilities are endless.

Final Thoughts

Go ahead and get started on your passion projects. And if you don’t have one yet, that’s okay too. Just keep these tips in mind, and you’ll be well on your way to finding (and achieving) your passions in no time.

Remember, the key is to just get started. Once you take that first step, the rest will fall into place.