10 Excellent Ways To Improve Your Personal Productivity

In today's world, it is critical to be productive. If you want to succeed in your career or life in general, then you need to focus on being the best version of yourself. Here are 10 excellent ways that can help improve your personal productivity:


1. Create a to-do list and prioritize tasks

Whether it's a written list or one on your smartphone, creating to-do lists is an effective way of prioritizing tasks so that you can better manage the day.

Some people prefer handwritten lists because they don't involve using a phone and there's satisfaction in physically checking an item off the list. Other people like using apps on their phones to help them keep track. Choose whichever method works best for you!

To prioritize your tasks, put your most important tasks at the top of the list then, prioritize your list by dividing it into manageable chunks, for example, "today" and "tomorrow" or "this week" and so on.

2. Set specific goals and deadlines for tasks

Setting specific goals and deadlines can improve your productivity. These allow you to focus on the task at hand without worrying about what needs to be done next. Setting a deadline is especially important for larger projects, as it provides an end-date goal that allows you to measure progress along the way.

Break up large goals into smaller ones that you can check off as you get closer to completing your longer-term goals.

3. Try not to multitask too much - focus on one task at a time

Multitasking can improve your productivity, but it's important to not do too much at once. When you focus on one task at a time and work quickly without interruption, your efficiency will improve significantly.

"But what about when I have two tasks that have equal priority?"

You'll want to break up those tasks so that they're manageable chunks of work. For example: "I have an article due tomorrow morning and another due the following day." In this case, drafting an outline for both articles could be tackled in one sitting. Take breaks in between and then return and focus on completing the first one that's due. Take another break for other activities, and finish the second article.

4. Use project management and productivity tools

.A great way to improve your personal productivity is by using tools that will help you manage your schedule and workload. Some of the more popular choices are Google Calendar, Trello, or Asana.

These tools allow you to track progress on tasks through clear visualizations like charts, graphs, and cards. They also make collaboration with others easy as you can share information and documents easily and quickly.

They also give an overview of all activities happening in any given week so it's easier to see what work needs attention before deadlines loom closer.

5. Take regular breaks throughout the day 

Get up from your desk and walk around for five minutes every 60 to 90 minutes. This will improve circulation, prevent the body from locking into a seated position too long, and improve mental focus.

Going outside is best if possible, but even inside it can be nice just to get away from the screen or office environment for awhile. If you're feeling bolder try some stretches while at your desk; they'll also improve concentration and reduce back pain caused by sitting all day in one spot!

6. Turn off all notifications on your phone and computer 

Phones can be one of the biggest distractions to our day. Turning off all notifications on your devices will improve your productivity because you aren't taking as many breaks checking notifications.

We all know checking a notification can lead to a rabbit hole of scrolling. It's best to avoid the temptation if you're serious about improving your productivity.

7. Set work hours or set other boundaries that will improve your productivity

If you're a freelancer, you probably know it can be hard to prevent your work time from spilling into your personal time. The same goes if have a traditional 9-5. Your boss might expect you to be available via email or phone after hours. All this crossover between work and personal time can spread us too thin.

To improve productivity, set boundaries for time you will dedicate to work, and time you will dedicate to your personal life. Another way to create structure in your workday is by establishing a milestone for when enough has been done----like a number of projects completed or hours spent at the desk. Setting these types of milestones can give structure to the way we push through our days so that they are more productive than ever before.

8. Motivate yourself with rewards for completing tasks.

It may seem like motivation is something we have to force ourselves into, but there are ways of motivating yourself without feeling guilty about giving up too much of our free time (like an extra hour at home).

Rewards can come in any form - from treats like chocolate to giving yourself a little time in the day for something you love doing. Pat yourself on the back after a long day of checking off items on that to-do list. Recognizing your hard work will keep you motivated to keep going.

9. Sleep more so that you can be refreshed for the next day's tasks

To improve your productivity you need to ensure you're getting good quality sleep. Sleep is restorative to our energy and getting plenty of it helps us power through the day more productively. Good quality sleep also helps with reducing stress and boosting the immune system so it can provide a defense against illness.

Try to keep a regular sleep schedule, even on weekends. And if you aren't getting enough sleep at night, try taking a short nap during the day for an instant refresh.

10. Schedule time for hobbies and relaxing activities

When you’re focused on your work, it can be really hard to find time for anything else. Setting aside some scheduled downtime will improve your productivity and reduce stress levels. Everyone needs a break from time to time!

Schedule in time for the hobbies you enjoy doing most so that you can feel balanced and recharged. Whether it's tending to your garden, crafting, or hiking spend time doing the things you love.

Final Thoughts

In today's modern world, It can be tricky to find the right balance between work and play. But with these 10 ways to improve your personal productivity, you will be able to get more done without sacrificing quality of life. Whether that means setting boundaries around when you start working or using tools like project management software, there are a number of different tactics for balancing out work and leisure time. Which one is your favorite?