15 Productive Sunday Habits to Start Your Week Smarter

Sunday is the best day of the week. It's a chance to relax and take some time for yourself before starting your work week on Monday morning. If you want to start your week smarter, try these 15 Sunday habits:

sunday habits

1. Make a to-do list for Monday.

This is the first habit you should start with when trying Sunday habits. Write down everything that needs to get done on Monday, and prioritize each task based on what's most important or how much time it will take to complete.

This way, you can wake up in the morning ready to go and not waste time figuring out what to do first.

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2. Organize your inbox.

The last thing you want to do on Monday is spend all day sorting through emails. Spend a little time on Sunday organizing your inbox so that everything is sorted and filed correctly.

This will save you time during the week and help keep your email from getting cluttered.

-Clean out your email spam folder

-Create folders for each client

-Create a "To Do" folder to store all your Monday tasks

-Download any files that need to be printed and save them in the appropriate folder.

3. Review your calendar.

Take a look at what you have going on for the week and make sure that everything is scheduled properly. The last thing you want to do is double book yourself, or be unprepared because something ended up on the wrong day.

Even if it's not a full work week, spend some time making sure all of your appointments are in order.

-Check for any upcoming appointments or events that you may have forgotten about

-Review your to-do list and make sure it matches up with your calendar

-Mark any days that are particularly busy so you can start to mentally prepare yourself

-Add any new tasks or ideas to your to-do list that popped up

4. Make breakfast.

Spend some time on Sunday making a healthy and filling breakfast that you can eat throughout the week. This will save you tons of time in the morning, and ensure your mornings start off right.

Look for easy recipes or make something ahead of time so it's quick to grab when you're running out the door.

-Make a healthy smoothie for breakfast

-Prepare oatmeal or overnight oats to sit in the fridge all week long. Mix with almond milk and top with nuts, fruit, etc.

-Cook up some hard-boiled eggs so you can take them on the go!

-Make your coffee ahead of time (using cold brew!) that will last all week.

-Pack a lunch to take with you to work. This can be anything from leftovers to a salad or sandwich.

-Prepare snacks in advance like trail mix, fruit, or veggie sticks and hummus.

5. Prepare your outfits for the week.

This will save you time during the week when you're getting ready for work. Choose outfits that are comfortable and easy to wear, and lay them out on your bed so you can just grab and go in the morning.

This is especially helpful if you have a busy day ahead and don't want to spend time thinking about what you're going to wear.

-Layout your outfits for the week on your bed so they are easy to grab when getting ready in the morning

-Put together an outfit that is comfortable and can be worn multiple ways (i.e., dress it up or down)

-Choose items that match a variety of outfits so you don't have to think about what goes with what

-Wear a dress that can be worn as a top or bottom. This is great for the days when you aren't sure how formal your day will be!

-Choose several pairs of shoes that go well together and match different clothing pieces.

6. Spend time with loved ones.

This Sunday habit is sure to set the tone for your entire week and give you a boost of happiness on Monday morning. Spend some quality time hanging out with friends or family members, doing something fun that's new to all of you.

Surround yourself with positive people who want nothing but good things for you, and you'll be ready to take on anything the week throws your way.

-Plan a day or night out with friends or family members

-Do something fun that's new to all of you, like going mini-golfing or playing laser tag

-Have a picnic in the park

-Visit a nearby museum or go for a nature

7. Spend time outdoors.

Getting some fresh air and sun on Sunday is a great way to relax and prepare yourself for the week ahead.

Head outside and do something active, like going for a walk or riding your bike. Or, if you're looking for a more relaxing activity, take some time to sit in nature and enjoy the peace it brings.

-Take a yoga class outside

-Visit a nearby park or garden

-Find a spot near the water and take in the views

8. Organize your living space.

This Sunday habit is perfect if you're looking for a way to start the week off on the right foot. Spend some time organizing your living space, so everything has its own place and is easy to find.

This will help reduce stress in the morning when you're trying to get ready for work and can't find your shoes.

-Declutter one room in your house

-Organize a specific space, like your closet or kitchen cabinets

-Put away any clothes that need to be washed and clean the dirty laundry from the week before.

9. Clean up your workspace.

A clean desk is sure to help reduce stress when it comes time to sit down and get some work done on Monday morning!

Spend Sunday organizing any papers or documents you didn't complete during the week, cleaning off your computer screen, and getting rid of anything that isn't necessary for Monday's tasks.

10. Do some laundry.

Washing your clothes Sunday night means that you'll have something to wear on Monday, and can avoid the stress of having no clean clothes when it's time to get ready for work!

Having a fresh wardrobe will help you feel good about yourself all week long.

-Do one load of laundry so there are enough clothes to last through the week

-Choose outfits that can be worn multiple times

-Put away your laundry when it's done!

11. Meal prep for the week ahead

If you're looking for a way to save time and money during the week, try meal prepping on Sunday.

This Sunday habit will help you avoid eating out for lunch and dinner, and ensure that you always have a healthy meal waiting for you in the refrigerator!

-Cook enough meals to last through the week

-Prepare healthy lunches that can be stored easily

-Make something easy like hard-boiled eggs or sandwiches

-Pack snacks like fruit or nuts to have on hand throughout the day

12. Create a to-do list.

This Sunday habit is perfect for anyone who wants to feel more organized and productive during the week. Creating a to-do list will help you stay on track, and make it easy to see what still needs to be done.

-Add items that can be done Sunday, so they don't take up your time during the busy weekday.

-Prioritize important tasks and place them at the top of your list.

13. Get a good night's sleep.

Getting at least eight hours of rest Sunday night is the perfect way to prepare for Monday morning! Not getting enough sleep increases stress and can make it difficult to function during the day, which will only end up making things worse.

-Stay away from electronics Sunday night as you wind down for bed.

-Read a book or listen to calming music before bed.

-Create a relaxing bedtime routine that works for you.

14. Tackle a cleaning routine.

This Sunday habit is perfect for anyone who wants to start the week off on the right foot and avoid stressing about chores during their already busy work days!

Spend some time tackling your cleaning routine, so you're not rushing around trying to get everything done Monday morning.

-Create a plan of action that you can follow throughout the week.

-Divide chores up into blocks of time that you can set aside each day for tackling them all at once.

-Schedule a cleaning service if your routine is too overwhelming and don't forget to treat yourself after working so hard!

15. Enjoy some downtime.

Sundays are the perfect day to relax and enjoy some downtime. Spend time with family and friends, watch your favorite movie or read a book, or just take a nap!

-Do something that makes you happy and relaxes you.

-Spend time outdoors if the weather is nice.

-Take a bubble bath or get in some exercise.

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Final Thoughts

 The 15 habits we’ve covered today can be a great way to start your week off on the right foot.

Not only will you feel more energized and prepared for Monday, but you’ll also have a healthier mindset that is better able to deal with all of life's challenges!