Why You Shouldn't Rely on Social Media Alone to Grow Your Brand, and What To Do Instead.
/If suddenly tomorrow social media disappeared, would your business be able to survive the downfall? Social media platforms are ESSENTIAL for businesses, paving the way towards brand exposure and providing us with an outlet to connect to our target audience.
I can’t even BEGIN to express the endless benefits in which social media has helped me.
With that being said, Instagram shut down twice last month and people were FREAKING OUT. There was content that needed to be written, products that needed to be sold, and influence that needed to be made. How could they do this to us?
Meanwhile, some businesses were resting assured, confidently knowing that their business isn’t solely based on how many followers they have or how many likes they receive. They knew their business would go about as it normally does. How so? They built a brand, not a business. They connected with their audience on many different levels and in many different ways. Social media may be one of them, but it’s not the only one.
Now I know what you are thinking. You want the scoop. You want to know HOW they are so connected with their audience, and if they aren’t depending on social media, how are they ACTIVELY REACHING AND GROWING their audience? Here are just a few successful methods brands are using to strategically connect with their target audience:
1. Email Marketing
Email marketing allows you to connect with your audience personally, by filling them in on EVERYTHING that is going on in your business. People signed up for your list because they want to hear from you, and are interested in what you have to say.
Do you have a HUGE sale coming up? Do you have a new product you want to PROMOTE? A new blog post you are EXCITED to share? It takes an average of 7 outreaches before your potential customers are convinced to buy a product or service. Email marketing allows you to do all that and more.
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2. Pinterest
Pinterest is constantly mistaken as just another social media platform. The TRUTH is Pinterest is not considered to be a social media platform, but a SEARCH ENGINE. Pinterest allows you to create evergreen content and with the snap click of a button, potential customers are directed to your website.
With over 2 BILLION searches per month, the opportunities to reach your target audience are endless. Of course, there are some techniques and methods businesses use to GET SEEN, you can find out more on how to successfully use Pinterest to grow YOUR AUDIENCE HERE
3. Professional Community Connections
I am SUCH a huge fan of having a professional community. Professional communities offer an unlimited amount of resources at your disposal and allow you the opportunity to get your brand out there to the public. My STRONGEST recommendations come from my professional community and with the power of the internet, you can build an online community from the comfort of your own home.
Brands are using professional communities to connect, gather information, form partnerships, showcase their business, network with people within their niche, and increase visibility.
What are some ways besides social media that you have used to grow your brand? What methods have WORKED WELL for you? Share in the comments below! And don’t forget to check out my RESOURCES, where you can find some of my favorite and highly recommended brands!