10 Key Characteristics of Brave Women

brave woman

Strong women have been the backbone of our society since its founding. In every way, women have supported, created, built, innovated, and shaped the world as we know it.

They are responsible for some of our world’s greatest achievements and continue to contribute and shape the way that our world works. Doing these tasks requires an incredible amount of bravery.

Women have faced an incredible amount of obstacles over their careers, from barriers to education and access to financial resources and support over time.

In the face of these obstacles, women continue to create, invent, and build. Being a brave woman means that you succeed and persevere in the face of adversity. With these characteristics, you can learn to become a brave woman and to succeed in the face of difficulty.

What is Considered a Brave Woman?

A brave woman is someone who is courageous and dauntless in the face of unbelievable struggle. A brave woman is one who is seen as brave, strong, and powerful by everyone in her life.

A brave woman handles challenges with grace and patience and turns to others for help when she needs it. Women themselves have an incredible community in terms of support, networking, and strength, and by adding in the attribute of bravery women become unstoppable forces of innovation, strength, and power that improve the lives of everyone around them.

10 Characteristics of Brave Women

1. Doesn’t Stick to the Status Quo

A brave woman is one who isn’t afraid to break the mold and challenge the status quo in order to innovate and create. She’s aware of the challenges facing her and the misogynistic and sexist expectations that many people have for her and rises above, deciding for herself what she wants, how she will achieve it, and what will make her most happy.

2. Resilient

Being brave does not mean that you will constantly achieve success in your life. Life is full of challenges, many of which beat us down and beat us back time and time again. No life is perfect, but that doesn’t mean that we need to be perfect to overcome it. A brave woman is one that is resilient, one that bounces back in the face of challenges and gets back up no matter how many times she is knocked down.

3. Trusts Her Community

A strong woman is not an island, meaning she knows she is not completely on her own. Strong women are confident in themselves and in each other, but also know that they can trust their community to support each other in times of need or challenge. A community of strong women are those that support and uphold each other in order to create a sisterhood that always has each other’s back no matter what else is happening.

4. Follows Her Own Journey

A brave woman strikes out on her own when the going gets tough. No one tells a brave woman what to do, instead, she makes her own decisions about what feels right and what feels like a guiding presence for her and pushes forward, working endlessly to carve out her own path and to create a journey that feels good for her instead of following the expectations of others.


5. Balanced

A brave woman knows that it’s not easy to be strong and that everything is best in equal measure. A brave woman takes strength and softness, comfort and challenge in stride, balancing out her life, her activities, her dreams, and her passions. She’s smart, stable, and supported, and she knows when a dream is worth pursuing and when it’s best to move on to the next plan.

6. Honest

A brave woman isn’t afraid to tell the truth, even when she knows it’s a hard thing to hear. Honesty is a challenging value, but a brave woman doesn’t shy away from the problem of truth-telling. She’s honest, wise, and transparent, giving her honest and untempered opinion while also offering help and support for those who need it. She’s genuine and faithful.

7. Respectful

A brave woman knows that respect is one of the most important values in the world. Having respect (for others, for yourself, for the world around you) is one of the hardest values to maintain, but it’s also one of the most important. Respecting yourself is about holding space for yourself and not compromising on your personal values when the going gets tough. Respecting others means trusting their opinion and valuing them even when you disagree with them. Lastly, respecting the world means holding equal space and value for all things, including plants, animals, and the environment.

8. Fearless

A brave woman is fearless. She knows that life is not easy but doesn’t let that hold her back from achieving what she wants to. A brave woman takes on the struggles of every day no matter what, throwing herself into any challenge and addressing every issue with confidence and bravery.

9. Confident

A brave woman trusts that she knows how to get the job done. She’s confident in herself, unerringly so. She believes in her ability to get things done and trusts that she is competent, capable, and accountable.

10. Patient

A brave woman is patient and knows that perseverance and hard work is sometimes needed to get the job done. She takes on the challenges of life with an eye towards the big picture and is patient and persistent in her work.

Final Thoughts

Being a brave woman is about strength in the face of adversity, pain, and struggle. Being brave means handling any challenge with grace and poise, and turning to others for support when you need it. By embodying these principles, you too can truly become a brave woman.