15 Entrepreneur Goals To Set Today

Are you an entrepreneur? If so, then this blog post is for you. Here we will discuss 15 entrepreneur goals that you should set today in order to be more successful.

These are some of the most important things that all entrepreneurs need to keep in mind as they run their businesses. We're including examples and actionable steps so that it is easier for you to see how these can apply to your specific situation!


15 Entrepreneur Goals to Set Today

1. Find out what your passion is and start building it into your life

If you have a passion, pursue it. Write down your goals for that passion and set up realistic ways to achieve them.

For example: if writing is your passion, write every day for 15 minutes before work in the morning and then spend an hour after dinner each night working on content ideas or editing what you wrote earlier that day.

2. Create and follow your personal mission statement

An important component of any successful business is the mission statement or value proposition. Your mission statement should essentially answer the questions "What solution do I offer, and what motivated me to offer it?"

Start with making a list of things that are meaningful and fulfilling to you, then think of how these concepts might translate into actionable goals for your work.

Your final product should sound something like this: “I am passionate about helping people find their purpose through my writing about living authentically".

3. Figure out what your long term vision is

It's important to always know what your long-term vision is. You want this to be something that will inspire you and keep you moving forward when times get tough, so make sure it's worth fighting for! Consider how the end result of achieving your goal will change the world around you for the better.

Figure out what help or resources are needed on your journey and just start taking one step at a time towards reaching them. Whether they're small steps or big steps, figure out where to go from here!

4. Take a course to learn a new skill

As an entrepreneur, you're like to wear many hats. Especially when you're just starting out. There may be skills you don't yet have that will be important for growing your business, and in the early stages, you may not have the budget to outsource or hire help.

For example, you may have a breakthrough idea for a service or product but, you have no idea how to reach your ideal customer. Consider taking a marketing course to help you learn strategies for marketing your product.

5. Find out who your ideal customer is 

Identifying your target audience is an important step in creating a successful business. If you sell a product, you want to make sure you're advertising it to the right audience, otherwise, all your marketing efforts go in vain.

If you're selling a service, you might already have an idea of who your ideal client is. If you don't, think of the people you enjoy working with most and what industry they're in.

To identify your audience, start by asking yourself:

  • What is their age range, gender, and education level

  • Are they located in specific geographic areas?

  • Who will benefit the most from the solution I offer through my business?


6. Learn to track expenses and manage your finances

You can start with something simple like an excel spreadsheet. Make sure you separate your business finances from your personal ones for smoother filing come tax time. Log all the expenses going out, and all payments coming in. You can use simple formulas to automatically calculate your net profits.

Many entrepreneurs also use Quickbooks and other similar tools to help them keep track of costs, invoices, etc..

7. Build a team

As your business grows, you might start to see you have too much on your plate. If that becomes the case, consider outsourcing some of your work to freelancers who can help you with specific skill sets like designing a website, or managing your social media.

If, even with outsourcing, you still have too much on your plate then, it may be time to hire someone to help on a more permanent basis. Build up your network so that you may already have a great fit in mind when it comes time to hire someone.

8. Read more books on entrepreneurship and success

Books written by entrepreneurs and for entrepreneurs are a great resource for picking up new ideas or a different perspective on what it means to be an entrepreneur.

Reading entrepreneur autobiographies is also insightful because you get the inside scoop of someone's life as they went through their entrepreneurial journey and how they overcame obstacles along the way. It can help you learn from their mistakes so you don't end up making the same ones.

9. Find a mentor

Find a person or entrepreneur you admire and ask them if they'd be willing to mentor you. It can be as simple having coffee with you once a week to chat. This will help you get new perspectives, advice, and inspiration that can only come from someone who’s been there before.

They can also help hold you accountable with your own goals by checking in with you and asking how it's going. If a mentor isn't accessible consider joining an entrepreneur's group, either in your community or online.

10. Set up a personal website, or create an online presence for networking

For your ideal customers to find you, you have to create some sort of online presence. Whether it's a webstie to showcase your products or services, or whether it's using social media to build a community of like-minded and engaged followers.

Having an online presence also helps you build authority in your niche and connect with other industry members which can open doors for collaborations.

11. Create repeatable workflows to manage your time

Workflows are repeatable processes you create to get your work done and manage your time better. As a writer, your workflow may look something like this: keyword research, topic research, outline, draft, polish and edit.

You can create workflows for just about anything. Once you find a process that works for you, note it and repeat it each time you have to get through a specific assignment, task, or client work.

12. Make a list of all the things holding you back

This can be a useful exercise for understanding which internal factors, and which external ones could be holding you back from reaching your goals and potential.

Identifying what these things are; whether they're bad habits, or a lack of startup capital, identifying the problems is the first step to finding solutions. Getting "unstuck" can help propel your success further than you originally imagined!

13. Consistently set goals and milestones

Setting goals and milestones for your business can help you prioritize what you should focus on most based on your desired outcomes. So, if your goal is to grow your social media following by 400 followers per month, you know to focus your energies on social media growth strategy.

If your goal is to hit a certain amount of sales by the end of the year, you want to make sure you're focusing in on conversion rates, etc.

It's a good idea to set quarterly goals and do a state of the state at the end of each quarter so you can see if you're on track, or if adjustments to goals and deadlines need to be made.

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14. Keep an open mind

Entrepreneurship is a constantly evolving field. It’s always important to keep an open mind so you can find opportunities that may not have existed before, or become aware of new things happening in your industry and adjust accordingly.

Be open to the perspective of others, so that you may learn something new from their experiences. And when you keep encountering the same problem over and over, keeping an open mind can help you find solutions you hadn't thought of before.

15. Develop a resilient mindset

Every entrepreneur will tell you they've encountered setbacks and failures along the way. Failure is just a part of growth, and it doesn't have to be defeating. Having a resilient mindset means that you don't give up when you fall, rather you get up, over and over again, until you reach the results you desire.

Resilience is a form of strength, and to forge your own path you have to be willing to be strong, determined, and put in the work.

Final thoughts

Tracking these goals and reviewing them on a regular basis will help you stay motivated to reach your full potential. You can set the bar high, but if it’s not achievable for you right now don’t worry about that. What matters is that as you are making progress in one way or another! It may take some time before achieving all of this, but once you get there your success will reach new heights!