35 Female Empowerment Slogans to Inspire Women Everywhere

Women have been fighting for their rights and equality for centuries. From the suffragette movement to the #MeToo movement, women have made incredible strides toward empowerment and equality.

inspiring female empowerment slogans

In this blog post, we will be listing 35 female empowerment slogans that inspire and motivate women to continue fighting for their rights and to never give up on their dreams.

  1. "Girls just wanna have fundamental rights."

2. "A woman's place is in the resistance."

3. "Feminism is the radical notion that women are people."

4. "Empowered women empower women."

5. "Girls can do anything."

6. "The future is female."

7. "Sisterhood is powerful."

8. "Women's rights are human rights."

9. "Strong women, may we know them, may we be them, may we raise them."

10. "Women hold up half the sky."

female empowerment slogans

11. "Women don't owe you pretty."

12. "Well-behaved women seldom make history."

13. "Equal rights for all, special privileges for none."

14. "Women are not a minority."

15. "The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world."

16. "Women are not objects."

17. "We can do it!"

18. "Girls with dreams become women with vision."

women empowerment slogans

19. "Women are warriors."

20. "A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle."

21. "Women are not second-class citizens."

22. "The world is a better place when women are empowered."

23. "Girls are not just pretty, they are strong and powerful."

24. "Women are not helpless, they are strong."

25. "Women are not weak, they are resilient."

26. "Women are not inferior, they are equal."

27. "Women are not less, they are more."

28. "Women are not objects, they are human beings."

29. "Women are not property, they are individuals."

30. "Women are not trophies, they are achievers."

31. "Women are not to be silenced, they are to be heard."

32. "Women are not to be underestimated, they are to be respected."

33. "Women are not to be controlled, they are to be empowered."

34. "Women are not to be judged, they are to be celebrated."

35. "Women are not to be limited, they are to be limitless."


These empowering slogans remind us that women have the power to shape the world and create a better future for generations to come. We can make real progress toward gender equality when we unite our voices and stand together for justice, freedom, and equal rights for all.