How To Have a Productive Day : 11 Key Steps

How do you want to feel when you wake up tomorrow? Do you want to be happy and content, or stressed and overwhelmed? It's easy for us to get caught up in the little things that don't really matter. But just because it doesn't seem important does not mean that it is not worth doing.

To have a productive day, we need to focus on what matters the most! In this blog post, we will discuss 11 steps to help make your life easier and help your day go smoother!

What It Means to Have a Productive Day

Having a productive day means that you are ready to tackle the projects ahead and take care of what needs to be done. You are not simply letting the day pass you by, but are taking a proactive approach to your work, mind, body, and soul.

How to Have a Productive Day

It is important to take the time at the beginning of your day and make sure that you have everything ready for what’s ahead. The more prepared you are, the better off you will be in both short-term and long-term projects. Here are eleven ways to help make your next 12 hours productive:

How to Have a Productive Day: 11 Key Steps

1. Wake up early

Studies have shown that people who wake up earlier are happier with their lives. This is because they have more time to do the things that are important and meaningful.

2. Eat breakfast

It is essential to start your day off right by fueling it with a nutritious meal. The benefits of eating breakfast include increased energy, improved concentration, and better memory!

3. Set Positive Intentions

This is a critical step in the morning, as it sets up your entire day. Decide what you want to accomplish today. This way if something unexpected comes up during the day, at least there was some intention set beforehand.

4. Set Reasonable Daily Goals

If you don’t have any goals for that day, then pick one goal and make an action plan with when and how you will complete that task.

A perfect example of this is setting a goal to clean your room. You can put specific tasks for the day, such as cleaning out all clothes from drawers and closets, wiping down surfaces throughout the room that have dust or dirt on them, organizing containers on desks into categories so they are easier to find again later on.

This will create order and make it more likely you won’t need to spend time looking through piles of papers when you want something quickly!

Another great way goals work well for productivity is if you set five small goals instead of one large goal.

When people try tackling a major project without breaking anything up into smaller parts first there’s often an overwhelming feeling which typically leads to quitting before completing what needs to be done.


5. Don't overwork yourself, take breaks throughout your workday

Overworking yourself can lead to burnout and stress. The key is to take short breaks throughout your workday in order to avoid this. This will help you to feel better and maintain your productivity.

6. Stop social media scrolling

It's so easy to start checking Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram while you're on the bus or waiting for a train.

But if we really want an efficient day where our time is spent wisely then take a step back from social media scrolling and find more productive ways to spend your time.

7. Read Something Educational

Speaking of finding a more productive way to spend your time, try to set 10-15 minutes aside each day to read something educational. There are many learning opportunities at our fingertips, and taking a moment to learn something new will open your mind and possibly give you a new perspective on life.

8. Organize your workspace

Our workspaces can become cluttered over time. We have a million tasks to take care of, and sometimes you may find yourself working in a disorganized environment leaving you feeling stressed out.

Finding some time to organize your workspace will relieve you from some of that stress. You will become more clear-headed and won't waste time looking for important documents or papers that you need for that next meeting with your boss!

9. Be proactive

Don't just wait for the next day to come. It's your responsibility as a productive person to make time and plan ahead.

Look over things you need to take care of, set up appointments or meetings with yourself in advance so that you're not scrambling at the last minute trying to find enough hours in your schedule.

If it feels overwhelming right now, don't worry because everything can be built out gradually - but being proactive will get you one step closer to where you want to be!

10. Address Your Priorities

As soon as possible today, write down all of your priorities on paper or type them into an online document so that they can easily be referenced throughout the day.

This way, every task won't seem daunting when it's time to do work because there is something concrete with which start from rather than just wandering around.

11. Plan ahead for tomorrow and the week

Take a few minutes to plan out what you'll be doing the next day and for the rest of your week.

It can be helpful to make time blocks so that you know how much time should go into each activity, from getting ready in the morning (20-30 mins) all the way through bedtime at night (another 20-30 mins).

This is an important task because without proper planning it's easy to get off track and not accomplish everything on your list.

Sometimes people think they don't have enough hours in a workday but if they planned ahead better then there might actually be plenty.

Final Thoughts

Whether you're struggling to get started on your own or have been feeling like nothing is going right, the 11 steps in this article are sure to help. Follow these simple tips and hopefully by tomorrow morning you'll be able to say "hooray" instead of "ugh." 

Now that you have the 11 steps, all you need to do is take action. What are some of your thoughts or ideas on this article? Let us know in the comments below! And don't forget to share it with friends and family who might be struggling with their productivity. You never know when one tip will make a difference for someone else's day.