10 Simple Strategies for Getting Your Life Back on Track

Sometimes life can be hectic and out of control. It feels like you are constantly running in circles, never getting anywhere. The good news is that there are a few simple steps that will help get your life back on track! In this blog post, we will discuss 10 strategies for coping with the stressors in life and achieving happiness once again.


1. Make a list of all the things that are making you unhappy or stressed out.

Think about how you can make these things better or how you could remove yourself from the situation altogether. For instance, if work is stressing you out and preventing you from spending time with your friends and family, it might be a good idea to change jobs.

Once you have written down all of the problems in your life that are making you unhappy, write up possible solutions for each one on post-it notes and place them next to their corresponding issue on this list.

It's important to identify what's causing stress in order to figure out how best to tackle these issues head-on!

By identifying any potential causes of unhappiness first, we can come back later with strategies for solving those specific problems.

2. Re-evaluate how much time and energy you're putting into each activity in order to find where there might be room for improvement.

.This can be done by making a list of how much time and how much energy is spent on each activity. If there are activities in which you spend more than an hour but feel like it's not worth the effort or energy, then this might be something to rethink.

Take note of how that time would have been better used elsewhere if these were eliminated from your day because they're depleting your emotional well-being rather than adding value to it.

For example, if you find yourself watching TV for hours every night while browsing social media simultaneously, ask yourself what those two tasks have in common that satisfies some need within you? What about them do they fulfill that makes all the difference? It may turn out that you need to break those habits and focus on something more important.

3. Keep track of your daily habits and access them.

One of the classic mistakes people make is that they will start a new habit, and then forget about how it's going. You need to keep track of your habits on a day-to-day basis in order to know how you are progressing with them. It may seem tedious at first, but once you get into the groove you'll see how valuable this information can be for keeping your life in balance.

Another important part of tracking daily habits is looking back overtime periods so you can notice trends and patterns which often help identify problem areas before they become serious enough to do damage or require major lifestyle changes. The key thing here though is being willing to make adjustments.

4. Create an action plan for yourself, including deadlines and reminders 

It's important to take care of yourself and make sure that your priorities are crystal clear. What does this mean? Well, for example: how often do you want to work on the project in a week or how long should each session last?

You may need help coming up with a plan - ask someone close to you if they can brainstorm some ideas with you. It might also be worth going online (eg., Google) and seeing what other people have done as well! Once your deadline is set, but those dates into an app like Outlook so that there will always be reminders popping up around them reminding you when it's time to get back at it.

5. Make a list of all the things you want to do and how to do it.

Make a list of all the things you want to do and how to do them. Break down your goals by priority, too! Schedule time for yourself in your calendar when you can work on these tasks so that they don't get overlooked.

Write out what needs to be done, where and any other details necessary before starting with the task. This will help ensure success because if some information was forgotten or not prepared enough there is less chance of failure.

For example: write down how long this task should take, how many times it has been completed successfully in the past, etc., then follow through with doing those activities while pursuing the goal set up at hand until completion.

6. Work on one thing at a time until you've completed it.

You cannot realistically work on everything all at once. Pick one thing and stay focused until it's complete.

The "one task" rule is a useful way to prioritize how you spend your time; for example, if you have an unlimited amount of things that need doing, focus on the most important first so that it can be completed sooner rather than later.

7.  Make a list of your goals and prioritize them.

In order to get your life back on track, you need to make a list of goals that is realistic and achievable.  This will give you something to work towards with each day, week, or month; it also helps when making decisions by having the end goal in mind.

If this seems like too much for one time, then break up the tasks into smaller chunks so they are not overwhelming- just be sure they're doable!

Many people find strength from writing out how they want their lives to look in detail, which can help them identify where things have gone wrong (or right) and how best to move forward. Create a plan together with small steps instead of feeling overwhelmed about how bad everything has gotten.

8. Set a specific time to work on each goal for the day.

Create a schedule of how long to work on each goal you have and how much time is allotted for breaks. Setting this up as an "appointment" will make it easier not to procrastinate or be distracted by other tasks that may come your way throughout the day.

Setting up specific times in the calendar can also help with organization and sticking to deadlines, which is especially important when there are many projects going at once. You'll feel more accomplished if you see how many things you've done!

9. Reward yourself when you complete tasks.

Reward yourself when you complete tasks. We all know how important it is to reward ourselves for a job well done, but often we don't want the extra guilt of rewarding ourselves after doing something that ought really to be taken care of at work and not on our own time.

If possible, set specific times in your day or week where you can do so without feeling guilty about taking some "extra" breaks. This way, if there are any tasks leftover from that period--you'll have already rewarded yourself by completing them!

10. Take some time to reflect on your life and the direction it is heading in.

Reflect on how you are feeling about your life lately. Determine how "on track" with the direction it is heading in, and what areas of dissatisfaction or concern are there.

Write down these concerns to help prioritize them for yourself and visualize how they may be addressed.

Final Thoughts

We hope you found some value in these 10 strategies for getting your life back on track. Now that you have a better understanding of what’s going on inside your brain, how to change it, and the steps needed to get started, we recommend taking action right away.

Remember that this is not an overnight process – but if you take even one step forward today, then tomorrow will be easier than yesterday was! Let us know which strategy resonated with you most.