11 Powerful Ways to Raise Your Standards as a Woman

As a woman, it’s easy for you to fall into the trap of accommodating others or being too accommodating of everyone else’s feelings. With that in mind, it’s time for women to raise their standards and start prioritizing themselves.

Raising your standards means setting higher standards for yourself. This doesn’t mean you need to be self-obsessed or constantly compare yourself to others—it just means it’s time you start expecting more from yourself and others.

Below are 11 ways you can raise your standards as a woman today:

raise your standards

Why It's Important to Raise Your Standards

It's important to raise your standards because it leads to more confidence, respect, and better relationships. When you set higher standards for yourself and others, you become more aware of what is acceptable or desirable in a relationship.

You are less likely to accept bad behavior from people around you, which allows for healthier and happier relationships with both friends and partners.

It also has the power to revolutionize your life. It's about having the expectation of greatness and being willing to take action to achieve it. Setting higher standards pushes you past mediocrity, so that you don't just settle for what’s average, but strive for something boldly excellent instead.

When you have a clear picture of what success looks like, big or small, you can use your determination and hard work to make it happen.

Raising your standards means seeking out opportunities that will help you develop into the best version of yourself and giving yourself permission to emerge as a more empowered individual with greater potential than before.

Dare to adjust your parameters and never compromise on excellence - only then will you start seeing that anything is possible.

11 Ways to Raise Your Standards as a Woman 

1. Be proactive and ask for what you want

Asking for what you want can make all of the difference. If you’re not getting what you need, or feeling like your needs are being overlooked, take the initiative and ask for it.

Not only will it set a precedent for how you expect to be treated, but it’ll also show your self-confidence and strength.

2. Be willing to start saying no

It’s important to be willing to say no. There is a line where you need to draw, whether it's to people on social media, family members, or when you're asked to do something you don't want to do.

You have to be willing to start saying no in order to set boundaries.

3. Set firm boundaries

Boundaries are essential for a healthy, balanced life. It’s important to understand what you will and won’t tolerate, and then communicate those boundaries to those around you.

This can be difficult at the start, but once you get in the habit of setting firm boundaries, your self-confidence will grow and other people will understand your expectations more clearly.

4. Stop Being a People Pleaser

People pleasing can be an easy habit to fall into, especially when it comes to relationships with family and friends.

Women often put the needs of others before their own, but in order to raise our standards, it’s important that we start putting ourselves first.

By doing this, we not only create a positive example for other women but also set an expectation that should be met by those around us.

5. Don't Settle

Be willing to go after your goals and dreams without settling. You don't have to settle for anything less than what you want or deserve.

Whether it's in your career, relationships, or life choices, make sure you are going after the things that will make you happy and fulfilled.

6. Ask for what you deserve

It’s important to take pride in who you are and what you have to offer. Be proactive and ask for what you want, and you’ll be amazed at how often you get it.

When you start demanding what you deserve, you’ll see all kinds of opportunities open up for you. This could include asking for a salary raise, a better position at work, or even just more respect in relationships.

7. Speak up for yourself

As a woman, it can be difficult to speak up for yourself and stand your ground. But if you don’t speak up in situations where you feel disrespected or taken advantage of, then no one else will.

So start speaking out about what matters to you - not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because it’ll give you a sense of personal pride and self-worth.

8. Don’t be afraid to speak up in professional settings

This goes along with the example mentioned above, but we feel it's important to apply it to a professional setting as well. Too often, women are afraid to speak up because they’re worried that they’ll be seen as acting “too” confident or assertive.

It’s important to be confident and assertive, but you don’t want to cross a line into being seen as “too” confident. Speak up in professional settings, but make sure to do it with respect, professionalism, and grace.

9. Be selective with the people you surround yourself with

The people we surround ourselves with can have a major impact on who we become and how successful we are. That’s why it’s important to be selective with the people you choose to surround yourself with.

Choose friends and mentors that embody the qualities you want to cultivate in yourself, such as confidence, ambition, and resilience.

10. Don’t let other people’s actions dictate your reaction

There are certain people you’re just not supposed to get upset over. As a woman, it’s important to draw a line in the sand when it comes to certain people.

You can’t let their actions dictate your reaction, no matter how much it hurts. Instead, stay true to yourself and your values, and know that you’re worth more than their words or actions.

11. Challenge destructive societal norms

There are certain societal norms that you can challenge. It can be as simple as asking your friends why they think certain things are “normal.”

There are certain things you can challenge—things like “men are supposed to be the breadwinners” or “women are supposed to be homemakers.” Challenging these kinds of norms can help to shift the way people think about things.

Final Words

As a woman, you have so much to offer the world. It can be intimidating to be in this position, but it also comes with great responsibility.

It’s up to you to make the most of this unique opportunity. I hope that these tips help to empower you as a woman, and remind you of the power you possess.