10 Ways to Take Back Your Personal Power

taking back your power

We hear about the concept of “Personal Power” almost every day, at every corner, on any type of media. But does this concept remain an empty thought-shape, or does it actually mean something to a deeper level. Because personal power is all about the depth of every human being.

Limiting ourselves to mental level, only, means that we are massively depleted from any trace of personal power.

How to Get Your Personal Power Back

Why did we lost our personal power, or why was it taken away from us, in the first place? Most of the time, the answer to these questions is that we didn’t know any better.

This happens since early childhood, due to education, family and society norms, in the vast majority of cases. This happens unconsciously, and we can consider ourselves lucky if we realize this fact, at a certain moment in our lives.

In depth, that is. Because, as we mentioned before, the empty concept surrounds us everywhere. However, the conscious realization of losing personal power, is a completely different issue.

Conscious or not about the absence of personal power, the effects of this situation are always fully lived. And the results are not at all pleasant. Not having personal power translates into unhappy individuals, lack in various aspects of life, and overall misery.

Taking back personal power starts with conscious realization of not having it, then acceptance of this reality and, then, 100% engaging into taking it back.

Taking back your power, it is not actually to take something that somebody else holds. It is all about resetting yourself and functioning by new rules, life principles and norms. The ones that you know to be authentic for yourself.

No matter the world around you. Actually nobody can take our power. Only we can let it go. Thus, taking back your power is an intimate and individual path.

10 Ways to Take Back Your Personal Power

Personal power returns bit by bit, one step of a time. Don’t expect to become fully powerful overnight. Don’t get disappointed, instead, continue granting yourself compassion and keep doing this life-long process.

So, here they are, the 10 ways to take back your personal power. Obviously, the more you use them, the more efficient they become. Sure, you can try them once and still be useful. But constancy is the keyelement here. It brings victory, after victory, after victory.

1. Give up the victim position.

You will never have personal power as long as you feel somebody’s victim. Even if you were abused somehow, and most of us, usually are at a certain point, you simply can’t allow yourself to remain in a victim mentality and action mechanism.

2. Undertake full responsibility.

For the wholeness of your life, that is. Take responsibility even for the bad stuff that comes from others. Not for their actions, per se, a mistake is still a mistake and it’s not yours. But for the reaction that you choose to have to an injustice, or abuse.

Let us be very clear, this doesn’t mean that you should accept them or let a bad thing go away. No way!

Responsibility is about taking enough distance from what happened as to be able to decide with a clear mind what is best to feel and do. Conscious power in every situation.

3. Speak your truth.

Words are powerful. When your words reflect the authentic side of you, everything comes perfectly in place.

4. Think in advance.

A powerful person doesn’t think and act only for a pleasant feeling in the present. The real personal power resides in forecasting the future of possibilities and the results of all options.

Thus you can make in the present the most efficient decision.

5. The power of No.

So much strength in just two letters. This is difficult to say to certain people, or from authentic point within.

However, not every No comes from the personal truth. Deciding when the time for a real No comes, this is a trait of personal power.

6. Focus your time and energy towards your plans and intentions.

Anything else that steals your attention away, is a severe waste of time and power.

7. Pay extra attention to your emotions.

Often, we become a neutral observer of your emotions and reactions. Get to know yourself and all your triggers better than anybody else.

8. Ask yourself what a situation can teach you.

Instead of focusing on “Why?”, or the injustice brought to you, commute to an attitude of always searching for the hidden, precious gift, in every situation and circumstance.

9. Put your personal joy first.

This is the only perspective that you need to look upon life and every context, when taking back your power.

10. Take on uncomfortable opportunities.

Personal power belongs to those who stay as often as possible out of their comfort spaces. This is just like a training that continuously pushes your personal power further.

Either the uncomfortable opportunities come upon you, or you search for them, it is equally good. The most powerful individual is the one that acts, thinks, feels as neat and efficiently as in the most comfortable situations.

The Importance of Regaining Your Power

Life will get better, you will feel more authentic. If you lose everything in this world, from material goods, to status and family, all that remains is the personal power.

Personal power remains in sickness and in health. And, also, it has the amazing quality of making everything better. Personal power may look like various things to various people. But in reality it is just the true self of everybody, on all levels.

Final Thoughts

If there would be one mission for you to follow in this life, then taking back your power should be it. This never ends, but it becomes more pleasant and satisfying with each milestone.

You don’t even need to search for the personal power on purpose. It reveals itself to you in every tensed situation, every painful situation and conflict. As you refuse to start taking back your power, life will only get worst.

Until you become completely miserable and start engaging in this quest. But, as you saw from the above 10 ways to take back your personal power, there are easy ways, it doesn’t need to be the hard path.