8 Simple Ways to Make Today Great

Make today great

How amazing does it feel when everything just seems to go right during your day? You have energy. You are happy. You get all of the things on your to-do list done. You are practically unstoppable.

In the crazy times that we live in, we need ways to have a great day now more than ever. However, the trick to having a great day is not in what happens to you, but how you can train yourself and your brain to see the world around you.

The truth is, you ARE in control of your life and your mindset. All it takes is learning some simple tips that you can apply to your everyday life. Once you learn these simple tips, it will be so simple to have a great day--everyday!

8 Simple Ways to Make Today Great

1. Live in the present moment

We often end up worrying about the future or overthinking our past-- but what if we lived in the present moment? Life is happening to us RIGHT NOW. The best way to enjoy your day is to notice all of the current beauty around you.

A great way to help bring yourself into the present moment is to try out meditating. Even if that means just sitting in a quiet room by yourself for a few moments. Focus on your thoughts and allow yourself to pull back into the now.

2. Do something that brings you joy

Carve a little time out of your day to do something that you love. It can be something simple like reading a chapter in a good book, painting or going for a walk.

Be sure to schedule the time you want to do this activity. Will it be right when you wake up? In the evening before you go to bed? On your day off? Depending on the activity, you will want to pick a time that makes most sense for you.

3. If it can be done in 10 minutes--do it right now

Procrastination always comes with consequences. Ask yourself how long tasks that need to get done today will take.

That pile of dishes? Unmade bed? Clearing out your unanswered emails? If the answer is 10 minutes of less, just do it now and thank yourself later.

4. Pick one big thing to get done today

A towering to-do list usually haunts all of us at some point or another in our day to day lives. Some of it may end up being "busy work" that's not even productive.

Pick a major thing that you want to get accomplished, and make yourself get it done--today. If you at least get this task done, consider it to be a successful day!

5. Clean up your space, less clutter=a clearer mind

A cluttered space means a cluttered mind! Taking the time to tidy up your work/living space will help to bring you peace of mind and clarity.

Referring back to the 10 minutes or less task, most of the visual clutter in your work/living space is most likely to take less than 10 minutes to tidy up!

6. Set boundaries

Setting boundaries in your everyday life can be a game changer. Whether it is something as simple as saying no to outings with friends, or having a more difficult talk with a loved one.

Setting boundaries can be challenging at first, but once they are set, it can save both you and your relationships.

7. Spend some time with someone you love

Life can get so busy that we forget to stop and spend some quality time with those that we love. Pick up the phone and chat with your friend whom you haven't seen in awhile. Face Time your mom. Or set up a date with an old high school friend you've been dying to catch up with.

There is no time like the present. It's important to note that you choose to spend time with those who have a positive influence on you. Don't waste your time on toxic people, even if you have known them for a long time. Fill your cup up with people you love (and those who love you back!)

8. Make healthy habits a priority

Are you filling your days with multiple fast food stops? Sitting at your desk staring at the computer screen all day? Grabbing a sugar-filled drink at your favorite coffee shop? Having a healthy body will undoubtedly make you happier both immediately and in the long run (and have less aches, pains, and annoyances!).

Make a point to drink your water, eat nourishing foods, and get some movement in daily. To also help prevent any overwhelm, and a chance that you'll end up throwing in the towel, pick small and simple habits that make a big impact.

Longer daily walks, more veggies with dinner, taking your daily multivitamin. Small habits add up and create big changes!

Why It's Important to Make Your Days Amazing

Amazing days lead to an amazing life. Having an amazing day doesn't necessarily have to do with what happens to us, but rather, how we react to it. Practicing the tips mentioned above will train your brain to see the good in every day.

You will not only have an amazing day, but an amazing life! You will wake up with energy, passion, and a drive to experience all of the greatness in your day. All of the hard work that you have been doing on the inside will begin to shine it's way through onto the outside!

All in all, whether you need to focus on being more present, set some boundaries or some spend some time with a loved one, all of these things will contribute to making your day great. You don't have to implement all of these things all at once. You can simply pick one and add it into your daily routine and notice the difference immediately.

Slowly add in more and more of these tips and they will have such a positive snowball affect! Here's to making today great!