10 Ways to Develop Thick Skin in Life
/A thick skin is one of the most valuable assets that you can have in life. It protects you from the slings and arrows of people who don’t understand your motivations or ambitions, and it helps you persevere even when everyone else around you seems to be giving up hope.
Although it may not seem like it at first, developing a thick skin isn’t something that happens overnight; it takes time and effort to really get it right.
Here are 10 ways to develop thick skin in life, so that you can persevere through anything that comes your way!
Why It's Important to Have Thick Skin in Life
Having thick skin doesn’t necessarily mean you have no feelings; it means you’re not going to let other people hurt your feelings.
People are going to say things, sometimes intentionally and sometimes accidentally, that may offend or upset you. The best thing you can do is learn how to brush these things off and move on—it makes your life a lot easier in the long run.
10 Ways to Develop Thick Skin in Life
1. Tune out the noise.
The world can sometimes be a loud and overwhelming place, full of negativity and judgment. Learn how to tune this out and focus on what’s most important to you.
2) Find good role models
Surround yourself with people who have mastered what you’re trying to achieve and then ask them questions.
Get a second or third opinion from people you admire and trust—be it a boss, mentor, parent, sibling, or friend.
If you’re not getting good advice, go out of your way to find it. In fact, developing thick skin is about more than how you handle external feedback; it’s also about how you respond internally to that feedback.
If someone provides constructive criticism about something I've said or done (and it's actually helpful), I welcome it as an opportunity for learning--not as a personal attack.
3) Realize that no one is perfect
We often beat ourselves up over mistakes or things we didn’t do, but it’s impossible to achieve perfection in life.
Instead of putting ourselves down for not living up to impossible standards, learn from your mistakes and celebrate your wins.
You’ll be far happier and healthier if you adopt a positive attitude and cut yourself some slack. Don’t worry—you don’t have to let people who put you down with their negativity get away with it either!
4) Love yourself more
The more you love yourself, the thicker your skin will become. Appreciate and respect who you are; stop dwelling on your shortcomings and focus on what makes you unique.
The more confidence you have in yourself, no matter how imperfect you may perceive yourself to be, the less others can criticize or insult you without damaging their own self-esteem.
And building thicker skin is about getting tough with other people’s opinions—or even insults—not about being a doormat.
Once you accept and love yourself for who you are, that confidence spreads out into all areas of your life, including social situations like work, school, or dating.
5) Don’t give up
One of my favorite quotes about persistence comes from Bob Ross: If you keep knocking long enough on a door, eventually someone is going to open it.
It doesn’t matter how many rejections you get; even after 100, if you really want something, don’t give up.
Persistence and resilience are some of your most powerful tools as an entrepreneur, so don’t forget how important they are when facing big challenges.
6) Think positively
One of our most important tools in dealing with difficult situations is being able to think positively.
Being optimistic doesn’t mean that you can control your surroundings; it simply means that you’re more likely to come up with a solution if you approach obstacles from a positive place.
Rather than getting bogged down by something negative, focus on how it will affect your life in a positive way, and chances are that you’ll find an advantage.
This isn’t about pretending everything is all sunshine and rainbows; rather, it’s about taking a bad situation and using it as motivation for change.
7) Learn from every mistake you make
When things go wrong at work, remind yourself that you’re going to learn something from it.
Even the most successful people make plenty of mistakes. In fact, studies show they tend to make more than their peers.
Instead of feeling down when a project fails or an important client walks away, realize that you’re actually better off. You've got information and experience that you can use in your next endeavor. Think about every failed business idea like it was training for your next big success.
It may not feel great now, but as time goes on, you’ll be glad you experienced those setbacks—even if only so you know what NOT to do next time around!
8) Be kind to others
What you see in others is a reflection of yourself. If you look for negativity, meanness, and cruelty, you will find it.
But if you look for kindness, honesty, and consideration, chances are you will see some of those same things in others—and that’s how you develop your own thick skin. So be kind to others; it may just end up changing your outlook on life.
After all, why not give back a little when so many people have been kind to us?
9) Find your inner confidence
People with thick skin tend to be more confident, so it follows that you should have pride in your work and show it off. Be proud of what you do and don’t settle for less than you deserve.
Asking for more money or better opportunities at work doesn’t make you a bad person. You deserve what is rightfully yours!
If people don’t want to pay you or give you what your skills are worth, then there are plenty of other places willing to meet your demands, so don’t let anyone person make you feel inadequate when in reality they are just not doing their job correctly. It’s their loss for not appreciating how valuable of an asset you are!
10) Have pride in what you do
We’re all told that pride comes before a fall, but at some point, we all have to let go of low self-esteem and get excited about what we do. If you want thick skin, then you need confidence.
You won’t be able to endure public criticism and hostility from others if you don’t believe in yourself or your work first. When you like what you do, it doesn’t matter who likes it—just know that making a living doing something is always a good thing!
Final Thoughts
Above all, remember that confidence is just a frame of mind. To develop thick skin, fake it until you make it.
Smile and laugh with your friends. Be open about new ideas and experiences, and what if something goes wrong, you might ask? Everyone fails from time to time; don’t worry about it. Get back up and keep trying.