50 Empowering Woman Supporting Woman Quotes

In a world where women are constantly pitted against each other and made to feel like they have to compete, it's important to remember the power of woman supporting woman.

Strong, confident women lift each other up and celebrate each other's successes. These empowering quotes from powerful women are a reminder that together, we can accomplish anything.


1. "I am a woman with thoughts and questions and shit to say. I say if I'm beautiful. I say if I'm strong. You will not determine my story – I will." – Amy Schumer


2. "Behind every successful woman is a tribe of other successful women who have her back." – Unknown


3. "Women are each other's human wonder bras – uplifting, supportive and making each other look bigger and better." – Unknown


4. "If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else." – Booker T. Washington


5. "We need women at all levels, including the top, to change the dynamic, reshape the conversation, to make sure women's voices are heard and heeded, not overlooked and ignored." – Sheryl Sandberg


6. "I think women are foolish to pretend they are equal to men, they are far superior and always have been." – William Golding


7. "A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform." – Diane Mariechild


8. "Never underestimate the power of a woman who knows what she wants." – Unknown


9. "Women who support other women are confident, generous, visionaries." – Mariela Dabbah


10. "We need to reshape our own perception of how we view ourselves. We have to step up as women and take the lead." – Beyoncé


11. "If it's a good idea, go ahead and do it. It is much easier to apologize than it is to get permission." – Grace Hopper


12. "The message to women is clear: You're not good enough. You're not thin enough, pretty enough, smart enough. You're not enough. And I'm here to tell you that you are." – Tyra Banks


13. "There's something so special about a woman who dominates in a man's world. It takes a certain grace, strength, intelligence, fearlessness, and the nerve to never take no for an answer." – Rihanna


14. "The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud." – Coco Chanel


15. "Words have power. TV has power. My pen has power." – Shonda Rhimes


16. "Women are the largest untapped reservoir of talent in the world." – Hillary Clinton


17. "There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish." – Michelle Obama


18. "The best protection any woman can have… is courage." – Elizabeth Cady Stanton


19. "I've never met a woman who is not strong, but sometimes they don't let it out. Then there's a tragedy, and then all of a sudden that strength comes. My message is let the strength come out before the tragedy." – Diane von Furstenberg


20. "I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls." – Audrey Hepburn


21. "Feminism is not a stick with which to beat other women with. It's about freedom, it's about liberation, it's about equality. I really don't know what my tits have to do with it." – Emma Watson


22. "Do not wait for someone else to come and speak for you. It's you who can change the world." – Malala Yousafzai


23. "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." – Margaret Mead


24. "The difference between successful people and others is how long they spend time feeling sorry for themselves." – Barbara Corcoran


25. "I think women can do anything they decide to do." – Amelia Earhart


26. "Women are leaders everywhere you look – from the CEO who runs a Fortune 500 company to the housewife who raises her children and heads her household. Our country was built by strong women, and we will continue to break down walls and defy stereotypes." – Nancy Pelosi


27. "Don't let anyone tell you you're weak because you're a woman." – Mary Kom


28. "A woman's place is everywhere she wants to be." – Gloria Steinem


29. "I raise up my voice – not so that I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard." – Malala Yousafzai


30. "Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition." – Timothy Leary


31. "Champions keep playing until they get it right." – Billie Jean King


32. "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." – Steve Jobs


33. "I feel like I'm one of the biggest feminists in the world because I tell women to not be scared of anything." – Miley Cyrus


34. "Be a first-rate version of yourself, not a second-rate version of someone else." – Judy Garland


35. "Women are always saying, 'We can do anything that men can do.' But men should be saying, 'We can do anything that women can do.'" – Gloria Steinem


36. "Women are the real architects of society." – Harriet Beecher Stowe


37. "The most effective way to do it is to do it." – Amelia Earhart


38. "Women, if the soul of the nation is to be saved, I believe that you must become its soul." – Coretta Scott King


39. "I am not free while any woman is unfree. Even if her shackles are different from my own." – Audre Lorde


40. "A woman is like a tea bag – you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water." – Eleanor Roosevelt


41. "I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples." – Mother Teresa


42. "I am a strong woman because a strong woman raised me." – Unknown


43. "It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but even more to stand up to your friends." – J.K. Rowling


44. "Don't let yesterday take up too much of today." – Will Rogers


45. "The question isn't who's going to let me; it's who is going to stop me." – Ayn Rand


46. "We cannot change what we are not aware of, and once we are aware, we cannot help but change." – Sheryl Sandberg


47. "In the future, there will be no female leaders. There will just be leaders." – Sheryl Sandberg


48. "Well-behaved women seldom make history." – Laurel Thatcher Ulrich


49. "If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun." – Katharine Hepburn


50. "It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves." – William Shakespeare




Women are incredible. When we support each other, we are unbeatable. These inspiring quotes from powerful women remind us of the importance of lifting each other up and celebrating each other's successes. Whether we're leading companies, raising families, or smashing glass ceilings, together we can achieve anything we set our minds to.

Let's continue to support each other, celebrate each other, and empower each other to be the best versions of ourselves. Because when women support women, amazing things happen.