10 Signs You Are a Badass Woman

Being a badass woman isn’t easy, but it’s definitely worthwhile. Being a badass is not an all-or-nothing proposition.

It’s an attitude, and it can show up in any number of ways.  If you’re not sure whether or not you qualify as one, here are 10 signs you may be a badass woman.

badass woman

1) You are brave

Bravery is not always about going into battle or leaping into a lion’s den. Sometimes it’s about leaving your comfort zone and trying something new. It can also mean pursuing your goals with passion despite what other people think of you.

This doesn’t mean that you should stop caring about what others think of you; it just means that you have to have some courage in order to be who you really are. If you want to make a change in your life, don’t let fear hold you back. Take action!

2) You have found your path

Finding your passion and purpose is critical for your overall well-being. When you are clear about what you are supposed to be doing with your life, everything else falls into place.

This suggests that having clarity about why we do what we do can lead to higher levels of engagement and energy at work, which may also improve productivity, creativity, and professional success.

3) You have good friends

A true friend is someone who sticks with you through thick and thin, no matter what your shortcomings are. If you’re constantly finding yourself in situations that end up being beneficial in some way or another, even if it’s not immediately apparent, then chances are your friends aren’t just friends—they’re good ones.

And for that, you should be thankful. It can be hard to recognize when someone is truly a good friend until they stop acting like one (which makes them easier to recognize).

4) Your heart is full

The best thing about being a badass woman is you have overcome adversity, and are stronger for it. If your heart is full, it’s because you’ve fought hard to keep it that way.

Remember to open yourself up to new people, experiences, and places – because what could be better than making room for something really special?

5) People look up to you

Others are often inspired by your bold, fearless attitude. They trust you: They know you’re an expert in your field.

Your boss loves you: She promotes you regularly because she knows that you’re capable of handling more responsibility and getting results.

Others seek out your opinion: They value your advice and knowledge when it comes to work issues, important decisions or even day-to-day tasks.

It seems like everyone wants to work with you and they want to learn from you.

The best opportunities come knocking on your door: Whether it’s because others have recommended you for their projects or word has gotten around about how good you are at what you do, new business opportunities present themselves frequently.

6) You don’t take yourself too seriously

A badass knows how to laugh at herself, which means she isn’t afraid to make mistakes or look silly every once in a while. A badass knows how to lighten up and let go of things that don’t matter so much after all. She doesn’t sweat small stuff.

7) You are unstoppable

A badass woman knows who she is, where she’s going, and how to get there. She refuses to give up and lets nothing stand in her way.

The same goes for her professional goals—no matter what challenges may arise, she will never let anything stop her from achieving them.

When setbacks occur, she doesn’t look at them as failures but as opportunities to learn more about herself and succeed in new ways. This makes her unstoppable.

8) Risk-taking comes naturally to you

As we get older, most of us become more risk-averse. We start playing it safe and attempting to protect ourselves from getting hurt.

When you’re young, you take chances without thinking twice—or, sometimes, without even realizing what you’re doing. Those risks are how we learn about who we are and how far we can push ourselves, which is why they’re so important to keep taking as an adult.

9) Self-doubt does not exist in your world

Since you believe in yourself and your abilities, it’s difficult for anyone to tell you that you can’t do something. If someone has doubts about your ability, all you have to do is ignore them; self-doubt does not exist in your world.

Your ability is unlimited. Since you believe in yourself and your abilities, anything seems possible.

All of life is an opportunity for growth. By seeking new experiences every day, you get stronger and stronger as time goes on.

10) You can identify your weaknesses and actively work to improve upon them

If you can identify your weaknesses and actively work to improve upon them, then you are one step ahead of most people.

When you have overcome your weaknesses, you will be a stronger and more well-rounded person. Badass women aren't discouraged by their weaknesses; instead, they use them as motivation to become the best that they can be.

Final Thoughts

Here are some signs that you’re more than just a woman. You’re a badass woman, and it is about time you knew it. So go out there and be the best badass woman you can be!